Sunday, March 6, 2011

Combating Alopecia with Biotin

           In May 2009, researchers in Japan identified a gene, SOX21, that appears to be responsible for hair loss in humans[] and a researcher in India found the missing link between androgenic hormone and hair loss. Androgenic alopecia is said to be a counterproductive outcome of the anabolic effect of androgens [].

          Alopecia can be treated with adequate intake of food containing vitamin B7.The primary role of biotin is in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Biotin functions as a critical component of
several enzymes (where it functions as a coenzyme) involved in energy metabolism (such as pyruvate carboxylase). Biotin helps in the synthesis of fatty acids, in energy metabolism, and in the synthesis of amino acids and glucose. Biotin is also involved in making glucose, some amino acids and in energy production. Vitamin H plays a special role in enabling the body to use blood sugar (glucose), a major source of energy for body fluids. Biotin supplements may improve thin, splitting, or brittle toe and fingernails as well as hair health. Biotin has also been used to combat alopecia (partial or complete loss of hair) in both children and adults. Biotin is typically included in most multi-vitamin supplements.
                                                        Sources of biotin (vitamin H, vitamin B7): Biotin is found in many foods, but generally in lower amounts than other water-soluble vitamins. Natural sources of biotin include egg yolk, liver, kidney, cooked oats, soybeans, unpolished rice, brewer's yeast, nuts and milk. Egg whites contain a chemical that binds to biotin very strongly and prevents it being absorbed into the blood from the intestines. Organ meats such as liver and kidney are the best dietary sources of biotin. Some other foods, such as wheat, contain considerable amounts of biotin but with very low bio-availability. Other meats, vegetables, and fruits usually contain low amounts of biotin. The bacteria that normally colonize the colon (large intestine) are capable of making their own biotin. Biotin is widely distributed in food stuffs, but the amounts are small relative to other vitamins. Biotin is available within multivitamins and B-vitamin complexes, and as individual supplements. Biotin content of food is reduced by cooking and preserving.

Understanding Memory

Throughout our lives we constantly bombarded by our senses, everything we see, hear and smell cannot possibly be recorded in the memory. Each of our five senses taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight all begin as electrical impulses travelling through the brain. As each sensation links to one another tiny synaptic junctions form, these are basics of how memory is stored within the brain. As each relates to one another the memory formation becomes stronger and more accessible. Memory is a complex network of storage sensation. So, how can we improve our memory capacity? One of the effective method is "Repetition". By repeating information multiple times each day, the neural connection becomes strengthen. If they are not used, they can deteriorate over time. The brain applies "Use it or Lose it" principle. Thus our brain has to be exercised, like other muscles in the body to work properly.

Ways to increase your stamina

·           Sleep is directly linked to stamina. That is why proper sleep is very necessary for increasing stamina. On the other hand, oversleeping can also reduce the stamina by making you tired. Ideally you should sleep for about eight to nine hours daily. This will leave you with energy to go through the entire day. You should also go to bed at consistent hours, so that the sleeping pattern is not disrupted.
·           Water is also very necessary, if you wish to increase the stamina. Water absorbs the nutrients and gives you lasting stamina. Take as much as eight to ten glasses of water every day. You should also drink juices throughout the day. Apart from the minerals and nutrients, the body will also receive the required amount of fluids from the juices.
·           Start your day with light workouts. This will distress the muscles and also warm them up for any activity during the day. Workouts also help the body to burn energy, thus preventing you from being lethargic.
·           Relaxation is very important in building stamina. That is why it is important that you do not work continuously for long periods. Take breaks in between so that you can relax the body and help it recover from the stress of the work. While relaxing, you should also try to distress your mind. A tired mind will always pull down your stamina!
·           Diet is of paramount importance. You should include a balanced diet so that the body gets all the vitamins and minerals for the energy. To increase the stamina, your diet should consist of green vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Avoid junk and greasy foods. These types of foods will only make you lethargic. You can also take vitamin supplements if you feel that the diet is not adequate. Some of the vitamins that boost the stamina are vitamin B, vitamin B3, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and iodine. Vitamin B-6 and B-12, which are considered principal energy producing vitamins due to their ability to break down carbohydrates, fatty acids and proteins into glucose and other molecules that can be used by your cells to produce energy.
·           Never skip the breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day and gives you the stamina to sustain the day. A nice nutritious breakfast is the best way to kick start the day on a good note. It keeps you full and gives you all the energy required to complete the tasks.  
·           You can also drink a cup of coffee in the morning to initiate the day. However, after the first cup, avoid drinking coffee until the next morning. This will ensure that you do not rely strictly on caffeine. Always remember that too much of coffee can cause sleep problems and also lessens your stamina.